Wednesday, December 31, 2008

HAPPY 2009!!!!

Let's all say goodbye to 2008 and welcome in 2009!!!
I wish everyone a optomistic, safe and hopefully a more prosperous year!!!

Chinese New Year 2009 will be on February 7th---The Year of the Rat. Chinese New Year means alot to Beng and I (As well as to most Asians)
Beng and I were married on Chinese New Year---The Year of the Cock! Hehehehehe...We plan to vacation in the Philippines in 2012 when our 19th Anniversary will happen again on Chinese New Year....The Year of the Cock 01/23/2012!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas, MITTENS!

Originally going to "Petsmart" to get our 8 month old kitten, "Harmony" a Christmas gift, we ended up getting a new 11 week old gray mixed tabby from "Last Chance" Rescue Shelter for her instead (And some toys). We figured we could make 2 kittens happy for Christmas. The new kitten's name is "Mittens" due to having 7 toes on one paw and 6 toes on the other which gives an illusion of a thumb on each paw and looking like he's wearing mittens. (Cat's usually have 5 toes on each paw) In the beginning, Harmony was territorial and needed to convey to Mittens who was the boss of the house. After establishing who was boss, they played and played and played....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Last night, I was watching David Letterman's "Late Night" which advertised Mickey Rourke promoting his movie, "The Wrestler"

Wide mouthed and eyes bugged, I could not believe after a decade of not working as an actor. This is what I saw....
I just kept thinking,"Okay this is the same rebel actor that was the sex symbal of the 80's in movies such as "91/2 Weeks" w/ Kim Basinger and"Angel Heart" w/ Lisa Bonet?????
Honestly, Mickey Rourke looked like, spoke like and walked like an old whiskey drinking blues singer down on his luck. What the heck happened?

Friday, December 19, 2008


My Daughter, ARIA CURAMENG is featured in today's (12/19/2008) Washington Post, Weekend section, Page 6 for being one of the 12 finaist of the Washington Post Gift Wrap Desig Contest. From the link, go to page 2 to view her with the other finalist and page 7 to view her entry.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Even though I am presently in Hans Bachman's adaptation of "A Christmas Carol", Nothing can get me into the mood for the Holidays more than the Christmas Revue that we used to perform at the West End Dinner Theatre written by Joey Wallen and directed and choreograhed by Mark Minnick. That show always was so special.

I miss the "Brigadoon" set of hills, valleys and a bridge being painted snow white for the season, having Jim Lawson as our "Santa Costume Change" as he quizzed the audience on naming all of Santa's reindeers....And Nixon not being one of them! (Couldn't serve comedy any better than that)
Anita's as Ms. Higginbottom and her sexy rendition of "Santa Baby"( Not to mention the close call of "Jack Frost roasting on an open fire"). Bob Kelly, Jim Lawson and myself as the 3 "Wise Guys" and Carla Dela Torre as the Virgin Mary, (Huh?) Darren McDonald singing as a child about getting "a dog" for Christmas and Lori Letner really bringing one of Mark Minnick's dogs out. Jeffrey Shankle being paired up to sing with every girl in the revue (especially in "The Greatest Gift of All") and the many different snow machines that Antonio Bullock dealt with from year to year for our White Christmas Finale.
And of course, how could you not miss the West End Dinner Theatre's production of "Babes in Toyland" year after year directed by Joey Wallen. Oh...What a wonderful season those were!

Monday, December 15, 2008


I went to a friend's house and we were discussing Skinny Christmas Trees because we both own one. I liked Skinny Christmas Trees when I first saw them in department stores. They are space savers for people (As myself) with small homes and they display your ornaments with very little space in between. (I personally love an ornament crowded Christmas Tree)
Though for the past 3 Christmases, I have opt for a 4 foot tree on a pedestal to make room for Aria's larger gifts "under the tree".
Then my friends asked me if what I think of the upside-down Christmas Tree. I was in shock when they mentioned it. I have never seen one of these so-called upside-down Christmas trees. So when I got home, I "Googled" these Upside-down Christmas Trees to check it out.
One article that I read states that the use of this tree displays ornaments more like a chandelier instead of the ornaments getting lost in the the branches in the traditional way.

What do you think? Does anyone think this is pretty? I don't get it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Right before my first hip replacement, I discovered the comfort of CROCS footwear. I never really liked them before because they were an ugly shoe. Ya know, the wide shoe w/ the holes, BUT extremely comfortable that is made of lightweight and slip-resistant foam. But then...that all changed when CROCS made so many different stylish designs.
My first investment was the "All Terrains" design
And for my wife and daughter, "The Prima" design
The newest designs that I am hoping to get for Christmas is the "Venture" design
And the "Santa Cruz" design
For the ladies, there is the "Cleo" design and the "Ginger Heel"
There are so many more winter and summer stylish designs all extremely comfortable made with the. Check them out
Once you tried them on, it's hard to go back to another type of shoe.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Introducing: DRAMA BAYLAN

Here's a picture of DRAMA BAYLAN during the staged play reading of "Rolling with the R's". I am really looking forward in doing more with them.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Here are 3 personal observations about my Thanksgiving:
1) For the last 3 years in a row during this exact time, I have always gotten into a car accident due to someone being careless busy talking on the cellphone. (Ughhhhh...)
2) Filipino families don't eat much turkey. The turkey is usually cooked just for show, but we go straight for the apple......stuck to the mouth of a suckling pig! Hehehehe (That one I owe to David James) Filipinos and Hawaiians luv their pork! Later the turkey is usually cooked "A la King"....with rice! Hehehehehe...
3) We usually start heavy for lunch, go see a movie and come back and finish off what's left for dinner.
In any case, be safe, don't drink and drive and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

One of 12 FINALIST

Add ImageWe just received word that out of over a 1000 entries, our daughter, Aria is one of the 12 finalist for the Washington Post Weekend Holiday Wrap Contest. Whoo-Hoo!
This isn't the first time for Aria. In fact, Aria has been entering this contest ever since she was eligible to do so. Her first eligible year, she was a finalist (Pictured left) and now she's a finalist on her final eligible year. Aria has a strong knack for paper cutting art. Both times she became a finalist, she used this technique using the same type of theme, "An Old Towne Holiday".
Please keep watch in Friday, December 19th Washington Post's Weekend section for Aria pictured with her design. Mom and Dad could not be prouder of our little girl, Aria

Friday, November 21, 2008

My Daughter, Aria is in Tantallon Player's Production of "Little Women" from December 5th to December 14th.
It will be at the John Addison Concert Hall in HARMONY HALL REGIONAL CENTER, 10701 Livingston Road, Ft. Washington, MD 20744
For Tickets call:301-203-6070

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Somebody's been smoking....And it ain't me!
Around a couple of weeks ago, Aria caught Beng smoking outside of the house. This made Aria very upset. And as for me, I was a bit surprised. Beng swore it was a "fly-by-night" thing and she wasn't smoking on a regular basis.

Now, I have noticed the dressing room of our house and the downstairs bathroom have been smelling like smoke. Just recently I found residue of cigarette ash on the toilet and I have addressed it. Hmmmmm....Is Beng still smoking behind our backs?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


A friend of mine sent me a sample of Charmaine Clamor's music. She's a Filipina Jazz singer (now living in Los Angeles) and I really, really love her style. I have been a fan of only ONE Filipina Jazz-like singer and that was Ku Ledesma. Butafter hearing the sample of Charmaine Clamor's music, I went directly to and downloaded all of her albums. My favorite of her albums is "My Harana". She has taken standard Filipino songs and arranged them from a touchsong jazz ballad to a latin feel to even the complexity of fusion. Her most recent albums, "Flippin' Out" and "Searching for the Soul" are hitting mainstream in the US with her own invention of "Jazzipino Swing". I can't wait to hear more from her.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Follow-up on "ROLLING the R's"

I am usually a musical theatre/opera person, but this was my first experience in a staged reading and I highly enjoyed it. I've been to stage readings at Arena Stage and in college years, but this was my first time actually being in a stage reading.
At Source Theatre, "Rolling The R's" by R. Zamora Linmark (Pictured left)
was performed on Saturday, Nov. 15 with reception, followed by a short hula dance that we threw together the night before for our beloved playwright and a Q&A session with R, Zamora Linmark.
The performance was very, very well attended to standing room only (Strangely enough with a very, very mixed audience) and very well received with much laughter and applause.

I will admit, I had my doubts after only 4 stage reading rehearsals and not everyone on the same schedule, but it was smooth sailing and worked like clock-work.

Like I said before, It was a bit strange after thinking for years that I belonged to a small minority of asian-americans working in the DC theatre district, but very exciting to be sharing the stage and passion with these fellow asian performers.

Like Clint Eastwood says, "Performing theatre is much like a musician's jam session. When you have the right musicians that get-along (In this case, Performers),you make MUSIC. (In this case, 70's Disco)

Friday, November 14, 2008


After over 20 years.....last night, a couple of old, old friends met for the first time for a "Farrell's Reunion".

You see, we all use to work at the long gone, but famed "Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor & Restaurant" that was housed on the upper level of Springfield Mall next to the JC Pennies in Springfield, Virginia. Fat, balding, married, divorce, single, rich, poor. no matter what size and shape, it was really, really nice to met up with these old friends.
We all are meeting again in the spring.
If you have a special "Farrell's Memory" (As a customer or employee) that you would like to share, we ex-Farrell's employees of Springfield Mall would love to hear it at our next spring reunion.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Not the famed, Tina DeSimone! This is a song sung by Kristen Chenoweth about an intervention of a "meth abuser". But to all my friends in the theatre who know Tina DeSimone, think of it as a tribute to her.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Do any of my performing friends ever feel guilty of rushing out of the office in time to have a decent dinner and make call for your show?

Do any of my performing friends feel tired due to a tech week or the show ending late and ending up skipping a day or two from work?

The reason I am bringing this up is because I have the situation of being promoted to a director in my day job, but my new boss suggest giving my 120% to the job and giving up the theatre.

I've been with this day job for 8 years plus and I feel I have showed my loyality and dedication by picking up the pieces when other employees quit.
With my past boss, I have taken much responsibility and abuse in this job. Heck! The employees and I went 4 years without payraises due to our past boss not working it in the budget. He was forced to resign last year immediately with the locks to our office changed the same day.

I have given my weekends coming in to tie loose ends and organize birthday and holiday parties to keep up office morale even from my hospital bed recovering from surgery. Not to mention during both of my hip surgeries, I was on by a phone 24/7 and working on my laptop at home while using my vacation leave for my recovery.

The promotion does mean a significant payraise, but I ain't sure if I will be happy giving up performing. Ughhhhhh....What should I do? My wife, Beng thinks it ain't worth to be promoted and be unhappy no matter what the payraise. YET...The extra money could help Beng, Aria and I work towards a new and bigger home.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

ROLLING the R's at Source Theatre

Just recently, I was hired to perform some featured roles in a staged play reading called, "Rolling the R's" by R. Zamora Limark. Not a musical, but a play that has music.
70's music in fact in which we sing. Now, don't get confused. It's still a play, but sometimes the characters break into snipets of a 70's disco songs. It's kinda funny.
The staged play reading will be on Saturday, November 15th at Source Theatre (1835 14th Street NW, Wasahington, DC starting at 6pm. The Metro Stop is 14th and U Street. I think the tickets are like $5.00. It's only a staged reading.
The narrative play chapters around 3 Filipino-Hawaiian friends growing up in the age of Teen Beat, Charlie's Angels, Disco and other cultural elements from the 70's. It was originally a book by the same aurthor and turned it into a play.

The play is very, very Filipino-Hawaiian playfully about social injustices and racism outside AND within the Filipino-Hawaiian community in Hawai'i.

The cast is ALL Asian including the director, the producer and the stage management. FINALLY!!!!! Though, not everyone is from the DC area.

I've been around being the token "Asian guy" in the theatre so long, It's kinda strange, yet exciting for me.

Hawaiian Pidgin English and ALOT of Tag-lish is used throughout the play.

Unfortunately, the show does have sexual content and adult language and deals with subject matter such as gay youth, domestic abuse and molestation. (Another show my parents cannot come and see.)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cirque du Soleil's KOOZA

Beng, Aria and I went to go see the opening night of Cirque du Soleil's KOOZA at National Harbor. It was truly amazing and should not be missed!

The experience was alot like the one's that they had at Tyson's Corner year's ago, but now it's in my backyard in National Harbor. I don't want to give anything away. It's an old fashion circus updated with a strong theatrical format with a bit of magic.

If you have never seen a Cirque du Soleil show, go see this one because it's a heck of alot cheaper than seeing a Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas and Downtown Disney in Orlando. Believe me! The experience will change your life!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Taking BruDog Haven's Citizen Test, I was reminded of today's US illegal immigration problem and how it really frustrates me!
Call me what you will, but I am all for deporting illegal immigrants out of the US and back to their country.
If my wife, Beng and her parents can go through the proper channels in coming to the US and becoming a US citizen, why can't every immigrant do the same?
Another thing that frustrates me is the process of the citizen test itself. They now ask you, "Are you going to use an interpretor to take your test?" Meaning...if you don't speak, read or write English, you may use your own interpretor. HUH????
How the heck does one get around on his/her own in the US without speaking English?
Look, I am all for the US being multi-cultural, but COME ON!!!!! Every country has one universal language that people communicate with. In Central and South American countries, it's Spanish. Fine!
But in the US, the one universal language is English.
And to be a citizen of the US, one should speak, read and write in English. I am not saying to rid of one's native language in their own home. At home, We speak in our native language to each other. But in public, we all speak in English. Even my own wife, Beng finds it rude to speak in our native language in front of others in public in the US. It looks like useless gossip about those around you who don't speak your native language!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Of course being a father of a Pre-Teen, I went to go see High School Musical 3 on opening day.
I purchased our tickets one week in advance (as I do with the "Harry Potter Movies"), got the theatre an hour in advance and stood in line in hope for a good seat.
BUT during big blockbuster movies such as this, I always pull my "handicap card" to get ushered into the theatre first or bring my wheelchair and have an usher kick someone out from "accessible seating" who is not disabled.
The movie was fun....very much like the first High School Musical....BUT it's senior year.
I didn't like the second one because they tried to make it sound more like MTV-ish and their voices sounded too electronic which clashed with the whole look of the movie and made the lip syncing look like a bad dubbing job.
HSM3 went back to the roots of the first. Cute, gooyey, bright and highly entertaining. I loved alot of the numbers staged very well by Kenny Ortega.
My daughter's personal awkwardness was when Zak Efron took off his shirt in the gym locker room and the girl's in the theatre went crazy. She started to blush, smile and cover her eyes.
My personal awkwardness in watching HSM3 was watching Vanessa Hudgens and only thinking!
Near the end of the movie, the kids in the theatre of all ages got up to the familer tune, "We'll Always be Together" from the first High School Musical Movie, clapped their hands and raced down to the screen and started to dance like crazy.
Beng and I looked at Aria and asked if she would like to join them. I think she would have if a friend was with her. BUT unfortunately...her present company was "Mom & Dad" and we felt like idiots asking if she wanted to join them. Ughhhhhh..How uncool was THAT!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Last night, I waited tiredly for the much anticipated John McCain appearance on "Late Night" with David Letterman.
For you who don't know, McCain cancelled out of an appearance a few weeks ago on "Late Night" with David Letterman. McCain claimed that he had to rush to Washington, DC due to the economic crisis. But actually, he stayed in NYC and opted "Late Night" with David Letterman for an interview with Katie Couric instead.
The show began with Paul Schaeffer and the band playing, "I Can't Explain" by the "Who" as McCain walked on.
David Letterman started the evening with the question, "Can you stay?" To me,it was the only joke of the evening.
At times, McCain appeared to have been placed on a hot seat. In several questions, David Letterman pressed him about his choice of running mate.
In a non-joking matter, David Letterman asks, "In your guts, in your stomach...if I were to run upstairs and wake you in the middle of the night and say, 'John, is Sarah Palin really the woman to lead us through the next four, eight years – through the next 9/11 attack?' "
McCain replied: "Absolutely. She has inspired Americans. That's the thing we need."
Then David Letterman asked if he backs Palin's claim on "Barack Obama hangs out with Terrorist".
McCain said his rival needs to better explain his relationship with former Weather Underground activist William Ayers.
"Did you not have a relationship with Gordon Liddy?" David Letterman inquired.
McCain acknowledged knowing the Watergate burglar.
Following the commercial break, McCain further said, "I know Gordon Liddy. He paid his debt, he went to prison ... I'm not in any way embarrassed to know Gordon Liddy."
"You understand the same case could be made of your relationship with him as is being made with William Ayers?" Letterman said.
McCain responded that he has been completely open about his relationship with Liddy.
In conclusion, even though I am a democrat and voting for Obama, I was expecting a fun evening of lighthearted banter and laughs on this show. At least, that's what David Letterman hyped it up to be. Instead, I felt like it was a continuation of Wednesday's debate. What do you ya'll think?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Since Sunday, We have lost our connection to our Comcast Internet Service. Poor Beng had been on the phone with Comcast Customer Service so long (3 hours), that the cordless phone ran out of batteries. Then she called again killing her Verizon minutes talking to them on her cellphone. Beng called AGAIN on Columbus Day for a technician to come and fix it on Tuesday. The technician arrived at 2:30pm with nothing in his hands. Just himself. he then proceeds to bounced back and forth from the modem to the router. Unplugging it and plugging it again over and over. Then he asked Beng if he could borrow our phone. According to Beng, the technician used up all the batteries on our home phone to go through exactly what Beng went through. I come home around 5pm and he is still at our home. This time calling on his cellphone doing the exact routine we have been through. he says there is nothing he can do. He doesn't have the equipment (Hmmmm...Isn't this...a technical call?) He then says, "You need to call1-800-Comcast. the problem is on there end".
Frustrated, Beng calls and ends up on the home phone killing all the recharge of the batteries for the phone being with customer service.
I get home from dropping Aria off at her rehearsal and I get on the phone with Comcast.
I stay on the phone from 7:30pm to 10:15pm. I give up after going from one supervisor to another supervisor yelling my head off. In short, No internet....No service...
So, I am picking up home emails from work as well as everything else. I hate Comcast! Hopefully we can go Verizon if it's available in our area.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Our new kitty, Harmony had been driving me nuts while I was at home recovering from my surgery.
Does anyone have a "sure-fix" remedy on how to keep a cat off the kitchen table?
I tried squirt guns, but she loves water. She loves taking a bath.
I tried hitting her on the nose, but she thinks I am playing, She likes to wrestling with my hand and fingers.
I am at a lost!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Still not knowing much of "Little Women" the musical, Beng and I went to accompany Aria to the director's house last night to find out what role Aria will be bestowed in.
There was 5 young girls there including Aria (2 African-Americans, 2 Caucasians and of course, Aria an Asian-American) and they were tested for their ability to harmonize together.
Then we were told that in this production, they are going to cast a young March Family (Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy) in the beginning of Act I and then an older March family later. We already saw and heard the "Older" Jo who is African American Woman and I guess they are trying to match one of the younger African-Americans to her. As we were coming in, we saw an Asian-American Women just leaving the director's house. Beng and I are guessing who ever she's playing, Aria will play her. Again, this is all speculation. We will find out very soon what the director wants.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My daughter, Aria got into our Tantallion Community Theatre production of "Little Women" the musical for the holidays. I don't know much of the musical...just both versions of the movie. I think she's playing the youngest daughter. I told Aria that community theatre is good to build up a performance resume. I'm just glad this has regained her confidence after a long string of "Thank You for coming" auditions.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Well, Tuesday, 09/23/2008 will be 2 weeks since my hip replacement. Recovery was going well. But due to my stubborness of getting bored, going out and moving about, Once to see Toby's production of "The Producers" on my Mom's birthday and yesterday, to see the movie,"Igor" with Aria.
I developed an slight infection on the incision which is leading to slight fevers and keeping me in bed. Wednesday, 09/24/2008,I have to go back to my orthopedic to get some type of "procedure" done. I can't sit long due to the incision right on my buttock and lying down seems to be the only comfortable position. Though, it's going slower than my other hip replacement, my rehab is going well. I just wish I could have more rehab on a cane by next week.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Well...This is it! Now that I have finished "Jerry Springer: The Opera", Tomorrow 09/09/2008 will be my second hip replacement. The left this time! Surgery will be at 8am at Fort Washington Hospital! All I have is time after surgery for 4 weeks out from work. So, you'll hear from me from here alot when I am complete with this hip!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Finally some family time and a morning at the movies! We decided to see "House Bunny". Even though it's about Anna Faris playing a 27 year-old Playboy Bunny at the Playboy Mansion, this movie is rated PG-13 and fairly a clean movie to see. The only questionable parental guidance you may have to deal with is backside nudity, maybe 3 curse words at the most and the maybe explaining to your children what the Playboy magazine is.
Though this movie was alot of fun (No matter what, I always have fun at "Happy Madison Movies" produced by Adam Sandler) and there was a great moral message at the end of the movie for young teens. My wife, Beng was always a sucker for Cinderella/Ugly Duckling themed movies and this was right up her alley. It was definitely a feel good movie for women and young women such as my daughter, Aria. In short, It's kinda like "Revenge of the Nerds" with a sorority called ZETA.
Shelley (Anna Faris) receives word that Hugh Hefner has given her two hours to move out of the mansion after her 27th birthday. So, off Shelley goes, hurt and scared. After a day on her own, she stumbles onto a nearby college campus and learns that she could possibly find a job, a home, and a salary by becoming a sorority "mother" to a group of misfit sisters, the ZETA's. These gals have seen their numbers shrink, mostly because they are all shy and a bit unconventional (among them, American Idol Runner-up, Katharine McPhee, Emma Stone, Kat Dennings and Demi Moore's and Bruce Willis' daughter, Rumer Willis) Well, you can guess what's to happen to the ZETA's, but it's even funnier what the ZETA's will do to Shelly. I highly recommend this film. Just alot of fun!

Friday, August 29, 2008

DC Theatre Scene's Audience Choice Awards


I was nominated for DC Theatre Scene's Audience Choice Award for "Favorite Actor in a Musical"

Please vote. I need your vote before September 2nd.

It's listed under ROB CURAMENG (Ya think they would get my first name right?)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Lately, I have been bringing Aria to children's auditions. So she can experience what she wishes to do in the future. We brought her to Signature's audition call for "Ace". It went great...experience-wise. Eric Schaeffer let Aria sing her song twice, learn a song from the show and had her read. Though Aria admitted to not giving a great audition, it was the exact experience I wanted for Aria to have just being there.

Aria and I always discuss what she learned from each audition. What she felt she did well, what she would change and do next time, How she should prepare, etc...
BUT recently, Beng and I went to accompany Aria to the "Lion King Auditions" last Saturday Morning which she really was looking forward to and wanted to try out for. I have to say..I felt like I was more like at an "American Idol audition". With the audtions scheduled to starting at 9:30am, there were all ready parents and children lined up before 8:30am (The time we arrived). I thought these auditions would run close to AEA auditions in NYC where you can sign up an hour before, leave to have breakfast or whatever and come back at that time that you signed up for. Heck no...It was literally a cattlecall of just parents and children sprawled out. Some on the ground, some in chairs and blankets, some standing,etc... One family we found out camped there since 4:30am. Around 9am, the casting director comes out and tells us the audition procedure. He then says, "Any child who is over 58 inches or over the age of 12 will not be seen". No body moves. He repeats again, "Any child who is 58 inches or over the age of 12 will not be seen." Still Nobody moves. When the casting director goes back into the building, parents start to murmur, "Well maybe if they hear my child sing and see how talented he/she is they'll think different." I thought, "It was clearly marked in the audition notice. Why would any parent put there child through this pain of being rejected if they were over 58 inches" Aria only measures 54 inches.

Since no one moved, the casting assistants came out and starting measuring children and numbers of children and parents were turned away. After the "initial weeding", the children left were given numbers, audition sheets were fillout by parents and children were brought in 40 at a time. Aria was number 38 and went in with the first group. They were taught the last verse of "Can't Wait to be King" with harmony. Then they put them in a horseshoe shape and had them sing one by one when pointed to. From Aria's group, they only called back 4 children. Looking at those 4 children, It looks like they were casting even smaller than Aria's height. Though I started to think, The way children grow these days, these 4 children would be 58 inches by the time they started the show.

As Aria came back, I could already see the disappointment in her face and her eyes starting to well up in tears. The tears held back as we marched through the hundreds of children lined up outside for there turn. As we got in the van, I asked her, "So what do you think you did well in this audition?" "I followed directions and sang well enough", she said. "And what do you think the casting director was looking for out of all of you guys", I questioned. "She hesitates a bit and answers a bit in frustration, "Skinny, short children who probably can fit the costume" I left it at that and drove in silence for a while for her to reflect.

You see, this is the 3rd time Aria's been to an audition and told point blank, "You're too heavy or you're too fat"

I did have a pep talk about it when we got home and told her she should try concentrating more on expressive musical comedy pieces that show her off as a performer as well as a singer and to keep up her "dance" for auditions with movement and dance. I assured her that being heavy doesn't mean your terrible. "Look at me!", I pointed out. "Dad still works as a performer, because I chose to use what I have to the best of my ability."

Ending our pep talk, I always reassure her that Mom and Dad will always love her and support her in all she decides.

What can one make of all this? Should I start pushing towards her to lose weight at this young age of eleven for the desired roles or should I coax her to go towards the direction of character acting?