Call me what you will, but I am all for deporting illegal immigrants out of the US and back to their country.
If my wife, Beng and her parents can go through the proper channels in coming to the US and becoming a US citizen, why can't every immigrant do the same?
Another thing that frustrates me is the process of the citizen test itself. They now ask you, "Are you going to use an interpretor to take your test?" Meaning...if you don't speak, read or write English, you may use your own interpretor. HUH????
How the heck does one get around on his/her own in the US without speaking English?
Look, I am all for the US being multi-cultural, but COME ON!!!!! Every country has one universal language that people communicate with. In Central and South American countries, it's Spanish. Fine!
But in the US, the one universal language is English.
And to be a citizen of the US, one should speak, read and write in English. I am not saying to rid of one's native language in their own home. At home, We speak in our native language to each other. But in public, we all speak in English. Even my own wife, Beng finds it rude to speak in our native language in front of others in public in the US. It looks like useless gossip about those around you who don't speak your native language!
I think you hit on a very important issue that a lot of people forget, the issue that so many immigrants came into the US the legal and proper way. Letting anyone become a citizen just because they're here takes away from all of the hard work that those who have done it correctly.
Just do things the right way - the opportunity is there. Walk proudly thru the front door and work a bit for it - or sneak in the back
Wow! Very powerful. I agree 100%!
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