Since Sunday, We have lost our connection to our Comcast Internet Service. Poor Beng had been on the phone with Comcast Customer Service so long (3 hours), that the cordless phone ran out of batteries. Then she called again killing her Verizon minutes talking to them on her cellphone. Beng called AGAIN on Columbus Day for a technician to come and fix it on Tuesday. The technician arrived at 2:30pm with nothing in his hands. Just himself. he then proceeds to bounced back and forth from the modem to the router. Unplugging it and plugging it again over and over. Then he asked Beng if he could borrow our phone. According to Beng, the technician used up all the batteries on our home phone to go through exactly what Beng went through. I come home around 5pm and he is still at our home. This time calling on his cellphone doing the exact routine we have been through. he says there is nothing he can do. He doesn't have the equipment (Hmmmm...Isn't this...a technical call?) He then says, "You need to call1-800-Comcast. the problem is on there end". Frustrated, Beng calls and ends up on the home phone killing all the recharge of the batteries for the phone being with customer service. I get home from dropping Aria off at her rehearsal and I get on the phone with Comcast. I stay on the phone from 7:30pm to 10:15pm. I give up after going from one supervisor to another supervisor yelling my head off. In short, No internet....No service... So, I am picking up home emails from work as well as everything else. I hate Comcast! Hopefully we can go Verizon if it's available in our area.
I would like to assist in making sure that your service is restored as soon as possible. Please feel free to send me the phone number on the account so I can help.
Mark Casem Comcast Corp. National Customer Operations
Oh Ronald! Didn't you realize that both you and your Comcast technician were probably talking to an overseas customer service rep. somewhere in the middle of no where? ha-ha. Ya know, we had to go through the same painstaking waits when we were with Cox here in Fairfax, VA. You should make sure that in all this time that you've been without Internet service, that Comcast somehow refunds your account. Now that we have Verizon FIOS, though it hasn't been a cakewalk, it does have a bit more stability then cable Internet (alleviating the need for those lengthy customer service phone calls) and the speed is significantly faster. Now it's time to get a better/faster computer to take advantage of all this high-speed Internet access :-) -KF-
I apologize for the frustrating experience.
I would like to assist in making sure that your service is restored as soon as possible. Please feel free to send me the phone number on the account so I can help.
Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations
Oh Ronald! Didn't you realize that both you and your Comcast technician were probably talking to an overseas customer service rep. somewhere in the middle of no where? ha-ha. Ya know, we had to go through the same painstaking waits when we were with Cox here in Fairfax, VA. You should make sure that in all this time that you've been without Internet service, that Comcast somehow refunds your account. Now that we have Verizon FIOS, though it hasn't been a cakewalk, it does have a bit more stability then cable Internet (alleviating the need for those lengthy customer service phone calls) and the speed is significantly faster. Now it's time to get a better/faster computer to take advantage of all this high-speed Internet access :-)
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