Our new kitty, Harmony had been driving me nuts while I was at home recovering from my surgery.
Does anyone have a "sure-fix" remedy on how to keep a cat off the kitchen table?
I tried squirt guns, but she loves water. She loves taking a bath.
I tried hitting her on the nose, but she thinks I am playing, She likes to wrestling with my hand and fingers.
I am at a lost!
Use the squirt gun, but add a little vinegar to the water. It's unpleasant for the cat, but it's not toxic.
If the vinegar doesn't work, try a little tobasco sauce in the water.
I learned those techniques from pet expert Mark Morrone.
How about putting a big dog on the kitchen table! HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Hey Krissy, you go girl!!
I usually keep a 10 foot bamboo fishing pole next to me to swat cats. I don't ave any cats but I keep the pole with me just in case.
Good idea Jim always prepared! Those cats are sneaky you never know when one will pop up.
Believe it or not, Jim...Beng purchased a long 3 foot dowel stick. It didn't work. Harmony thinks we're playing some game.
Believe it or not, Krissy...We did put a motion activated, actual size stuffed hound dog that barks and moves on top of the kitchen table when we aren't home.
That didn't work either. Harmony now thinks the that stuffed hound dog is her "Mama" and we found her asleep inside the curve on it's belly when we got home.
I'll try your remedy, Antonio. I hope the vinegar works!
I used that vinegar technique on birds and it worked. I had a balcony where I used to live. These birds would stand on our railing when they left their nest (which was in the tree directly in front of the balcony) in the morning, and again right before they'd settle in for the night. The problem is, they would crap on the railing which started eating away at the paint.
At first I tried spraying them with just water. They actually started grooming their wings in the water. Then I remembered the vinegar technique. They started to bath, then all of a sudden took off in a hurry.
Cute kitty! Do you have a window perch? Giving her an alternative something high to jump on could help.
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