This comingMarch, I will be heading to Dallas, TX for a conference business trip. Throughout my stay, I plan to wear my Redskin's Jersey on my freetime away from the suit and tie. I thought if people can wear a Cowboys' Jersey in Washington, DC area, why can't I wear a Redskin's Jersey in Dallas?
That's it ron stick it to them! They think they can walk around in our town and spout thier Redskin's hate around then we should be able to return in kind.
it was nice knowing you
That's it ron stick it to them! They think they can walk around in our town and spout thier Redskin's hate around then we should be able to return in kind.
Watch your back buddy! :)
Not a wise idea, dude. Make sure you are with company or you may be starring as Ned Beatty in Deliverance!!!!
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