(With my friend, Rainer from the Air Force)
Gosh! I gotta keep to my New Year's Resoluation!
If I had stayed in, I would have a decent retirement today at 45.
BUT...I would have been so unhappy year to year, day by day with the Navy music program. I don't regret being in the Naval Music Program. I got a nice veteran's loan, nice life insurance, and the GI Bill out of it and I would have never met Beng, married her and had my beautiful daughter, Aria. Plus, I would have never continued and made new relationships with people from West End, Burn Brae, Toby's, the Washington Opera and even Lazy Suzan Dinner Theatre.
Did anyone ever wonder what things would have been like if they took a turn 20 years ago differently?
And you would have missed the joy of meeting me!
Brandon...you are so right!
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