Friday, January 30, 2009


Beng and I are so proud of our daughter, Aria.
She auditioned for the Disney musical, "High School Musical" at the Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre and made it in the ensemble!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


This coming March, I will be heading to Dallas, TX for a conference business trip. Throughout my stay, I plan to wear my Redskin's Jersey on my freetime away from the suit and tie. I thought if people can wear a Cowboys' Jersey in Washington, DC area, why can't I wear a Redskin's Jersey in Dallas?

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Just 20 years ago right out of Navy Boot Camp I looked like this...
(With my friend, Rainer from the Air Force)
Gosh! I gotta keep to my New Year's Resoluation!
If I had stayed in, I would have a decent retirement today at 45.
BUT...I would have been so unhappy year to year, day by day with the Navy music program. I don't regret being in the Naval Music Program. I got a nice veteran's loan, nice life insurance, and the GI Bill out of it and I would have never met Beng, married her and had my beautiful daughter, Aria. Plus, I would have never continued and made new relationships with people from West End, Burn Brae, Toby's, the Washington Opera and even Lazy Suzan Dinner Theatre.
Did anyone ever wonder what things would have been like if they took a turn 20 years ago differently?

Saturday, January 17, 2009


My training at "Old Town" ended early on a friday. So, a co-worker and I went to catch the 3:45pm showing of "Slumdog Millionaire"
This movie was AWESOME!!!!!! I don't want to give too much away, but it's definitely a roller coaster of emotions. It's definitely a "MUST SEE" movie! And what's a movie about India without it's Bollywood Moment? It's at the end when the credits are rolling. GOTTA, GOTTA, GOTTA see it!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In Memory: RICARDO MONTALBAN dies at 88

From 1978 to 1984 we listened to him say, "I am Mr Roarke, your host. Welcome to Fantasy Island"
Very few knew he was involved with Broadway Musicals. He was nominated for a 1957 Tony for Best Actor in a Musical for "Jamaica" opposite Lena Horne.
He toured in the role of the King in the musical, "King & I" in 1965.
He appeared in the movie musical, "Sweet Charity".
He played villians in Disney's "Zorro", Star Trek's Wrath of Khan and even in Naked Gun.
He was in 2 "Planet of the Apes" movies
And he played Antonio Banderas' father-in-law in Disney's "Spy Kids" movies. I have always admired this man's and his wonderful career!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Honestly, I didn't think anything of it when I was asked to work the Youth Inaugural Ball at the Hilton Washington way back in November. But now that it's closer....I am really getting excited!!! I just found out that the Youth Inaugural Ball at the Hilton Washington is one of ten "Official Inaugural Balls" meaning that President-Elect, Obama will attend.
Now what's more exciting is the fact my daughter, Aria got invited to the Stafford Foundation's People's Ball at the JW Marriott Hotel. Though, we will not be together...My wife, Beng, Aria and I will be participating in an exciting part of History together.
I just wish I didn't have to stay in the DC area for 2 days because of security reasons.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Beng, Aria, my good friend, Pinkie and I went to see "Lez Miz" at Signature Theatre last night (01/03/2009)
We went on the "MizKidz" packet for 4 family tickets, 4 cookies and 4 drinks at intermission for only $125.00. Not bad at all! Better than $76.00 per person or taking a chance on "Rush Tickets"
There was alot of things that I liked....and a few things that I didn't like.
1) This is the original lost London version of "Lez Miz". Honestly...Though it was a bit longer, I loved this version.
It showed alot of missing scenes (to me) were crucial to the plot.
a) The meeting of Young Cossette and Valjean in the woods.
b) A short scene with Madame Thenardier spoiling Young Eponine before sending Young Cossette out in the woods for water.
c) Valjean's actually telling the Thenardier's that Fantine has died and his promise to her.
d) The second meeting of The Thénardiers, Valjean and Cossette in Paris that causes Javert to intercept the street brawl between the Thenardier gang, Valjean and Cossette.
e) The reason why Eponine dresses like a boy and her actually meeting of giving the letters to Valjean to give to Cossette. This is where he learns Marius and Cossette love each other by reading her letters.
f) Eponine's side singing monologues about Marius not caring to see her.
g) Valjean revealing to Marius that he is a fugitive and asking him not to tell Cossette.
2) I did like the re-imagining of the surreal set and the dark black, gray and off white costumes (Mostly black leather) and scenary (I loved the "specials" on the chairs hanging from the celling during "Empty Chairs...") . If you don't have that famous turntable set, you might as well go another direction. So, the set is more of "in-the-round"/"thrust setting with several entrances. It's very intimate. So, your concentration is on the plot rather than "spectacle".
3) The voices and acting of Marius, Enjolras, The children: Gavroche and Young Cossette, Older Cossette, the Bishop and the ensemble as a whole.
1) Though I did like the re-imaging darker side of "Les Miz", the charm and humor were faded into the shadows...Literally! Though she was charming, Older Cossette was lost in the dark side of "Les Miz" Alot of the female characters "sadness" and innocence were lost in the mix.
2) I hated when musicals in this particular opera format go into "speak-song" format. BOUBLIL & SCHÖNBERG wrote some of the most beautiful music in musical theatre history. Come on! Let's hear it sung!
3) Though effective...The death of Javert. He shoots himself in the head? (Huh?) This is not true to the book.
4) The long hair on all the guys. Ughhhh...EVERY MAN was a caveman! In this "Lez Miz" Jaljean, Javert, and EVEN Thenardier had long hair! (Huh?)
5) Honestly, because it's not the Broadway "Specticle", the musical may be too long for kids.
6) Last, but not least...The intermission. When they mean 15 minutes...Signature Theatre MEANS it with a Vengence!!!!!!! They warn the audience in the lobby that they will not seat ANYONE after the second act has been started. Beng, Aria, Pinkie and I had to scruff down our chocolate cookies, guzzle our sodas and run up the stairs (Imagine me with my new hip) with the other upstairs audience. "Whew! They said it's because time is crucial with a union orchestra under a strict contract.
In conclusion...I do plan to see the show AGAIN and AGAIN!!