I went to a friend's house and we were discussing Skinny Christmas Trees because we both own one. I liked Skinny Christmas Trees when I first saw them in department stores. They are space savers for people (As myself) with small homes and they display your ornaments with very little space in between. (I personally love an ornament crowded Christmas Tree)
Though for the past 3 Christmases, I have opt for a 4 foot tree on a pedestal to make room for Aria's larger gifts "under the tree".
Then my friends asked me if what I think of the upside-down Christmas Tree. I was in shock when they mentioned it. I have never seen one of these so-called upside-down Christmas trees. So when I got home, I "Googled" these Upside-down Christmas Trees to check it out.
One article that I read states that the use of this tree displays ornaments more like a chandelier instead of the ornaments getting lost in the the branches in the traditional way.
What do you think? Does anyone think this is pretty? I don't get it.
It's different and the hanging effect is a little nicer. Plus it's eaiser to put gifts under the tree.
I think it's weird!
I like my trees like I like my women (and my Phillipino men), THICK!
I've seen those trees for years. But, I've never known anyone who bought one.
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