Do any of my performing friends feel tired due to a tech week or the show ending late and ending up skipping a day or two from work?
The reason I am bringing this up is because I have the situation of being promoted to a director in my day job, but my new boss suggest giving my 120% to the job and giving up the theatre.
I've been with this day job for 8 years plus and I feel I have showed my loyality and dedication by picking up the pieces when other employees quit.
With my past boss, I have taken much responsibility and abuse in this job. Heck! The employees and I went 4 years without payraises due to our past boss not working it in the budget. He was forced to resign last year immediately with the locks to our office changed the same day.
I have given my weekends coming in to tie loose ends and organize birthday and holiday parties to keep up office morale even from my hospital bed recovering from surgery. Not to mention during both of my hip surgeries, I was on by a phone 24/7 and working on my laptop at home while using my vacation leave for my recovery.
The promotion does mean a significant payraise, but I ain't sure if I will be happy giving up performing. Ughhhhhh....What should I do? My wife, Beng thinks it ain't worth to be promoted and be unhappy no matter what the payraise. YET...The extra money could help Beng, Aria and I work towards a new and bigger home.
I have felt that I needed to hide my "theater life" from some of my past offices. I never wanted someone to come in and say that I looked tired or something wasn't complete and they blame it on me doing a show. It's not easy, I agree. I have also felt that when a boss knew that I had evening commitments to a show they would sometimes challenge me be saying that they need to me to travel or to go to some evening events. I have been blessed by producers who have known in advance that I have a full-time work commitment and they would agree for me to miss a show. It's not an easy choice, if you don't take the position will there be retaliation? It's sad that we have to keep our theater lives secret at the office. Don't forget, we're not in our 20's anymore and being happy is pretty darn important. Sounds to me that theater makes you pretty happy.
I was hoping you would answer since you are very close to what I am going through.
I do love performing and particularly recently in this time frame. I feel I have grown more as a performer.
Unfortunately, there is a "No-2nd-job" policy of our employees HR manual that my boss could get me on and has been overlooked by my past boss before.
After thinking this over again and again, What happens if I don't take the promotion to director? Will I be able to keep my present position in an office environment of only 7 fulltime employees and my present boss being promoted as well?
Would it help to talk to your boss and work it out with him? Or at the very least gauge weither it is possible to not take the new job. Yes, you would get a new home faster but will you still get it? I am learning that I'd rather be happy than have more money.
Thanks Brandon. This has been eating up at me and I do agree with you. I have been hating the situation over and over since I was told all this by my new boss.
They need to move me up in this position in order for my boss to move up in position and I ain't sure I really want it now.
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