It's been a while since I blogged, but I really felt like venting.
I went to see "The Last Airbender-3D" and spent over $40.00 for Beng, Aria and myself! OMG! This cost more than our dinner at the Chinese Buffet.
For this movie...There was no other choice option, but to see it 3D.
Lately, I have been checking out with different 3D movies how much of the film is actually 3D. It seems the movies only turn 3D on the action part of the movie.
What was more frustrating watching "The Last Airbender 3D" was only 25% of the movie was 3D. There were moments I felt that the 3D would have been awesome, but nothing!
I am beginning to think this whole 3D biz is just another way to rake in more money from us viewers even more so after watching the same movie on cable. It's just getting ridiculous. Soon we are going to see romantic comedies in 3D for no reason.